Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Dancin'....I love to live!

Okay, it started with getting up to teach a 5:30am spin class at the YMCA....on my way home, it is still dark and I find myself longing for time with the Lord. As I head back to Barb and Anne's I crawl under there Christmas tree (yes, it is still up!) with my Bible and journal and I pray the dawn won't break, nor the silence be disrupted...the time feels so precious. He is there with me, instantly He calls me intimately, me, Israel, He asks to trust Him. I feel like God has called me to a life that He leads, yet I have definitely struggled, wrestled with Him to control it myself, it just feels safer. It's not, it is actually overwhelming. So again, He asks would you let Me lead? and again I relinquish and say but....will you be faithful, can you prove yourself to me?

and He does. today, I found out my trip to Africa is completely covered, I am going to Africa to touch little orphans and my heart quickens at the thought, the thought of my dreams coming true in front of my eyes. And when I got the call, I began to weep and He whispered...thank you for letting me, this is just the beginning, don't compare, don't control, I will blow you away with what I have in store for you.

so.....there is much fear in letting go, but now the cost is too high to not relinquish, I am more intrigued in what He has in the future for me than what I could ever dream up.


Anonymous said...

I sit here and quietly read your words and as I read I move to the edge of my seat and feel this love starting to just fill my entire insides. Love for you and Love for our amazing Lord, who has and never will mislead us - who has and never will call us somewhere where He has not already equipped us. I'm praying for your trip and your 'touch' on those little lives. Love you!!!!! ~fuzz

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your inspiration. The way you live and love deeply challenges and spurs me to live from a deeper place as you do.

tranthegirl said...

AWE-SOME! I agree w/ the others about your post "Dancin' I love to live," that is beautiful. It is encouraging to hear again and again what the heck we're living these lives for and why and ... yeah.

talk soon,