Friday, February 18, 2005

Twice on deck, once before the pitch.....

This was my dad and I's little secret plan for getting rid of your nerves before batting. My dad would pitch to me in the backyard and he would tell me take one practice swing before the pitch and then you are ready. Well the next 13 years of baseball offered a lot of opportunities to try out his method. I would be so nervous, but I would religiously take two swings on deck, and then one practice swing before the pitch.

Early this morning, I spent some time praying on an empty baseballfield. Standing on homeplate looking straight onto the pitcher's mound, I felt that rush come back for a moment. Instinctively I thought, one practice swing and then you're ready. I remembered many times in the past I would reach too high for the ball or even strike out, yet everytime hearing my father's whisper, one swing and you are ready.

Very much like my life lately, I stand at the homeplate and I am so nervous because the pressures are on. Can I do it? Will this be too hard? What if I strike out? The questions run repeatedly through my mind, yet I heard the Father tell me this practice swing and you are ready.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am right there, behind the fence, cheering you on. Watching as you hit another Home Run. You are a blessing.
Love, Dad