Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Safely home....and in class!

We returned home from a great trip in Costa Rica! I am invigorated to live my life in a rainforest and live off of the medicinal herbs, speaking Spanish and eating mangos for the rest of my life!! But I have found myself in class everyday from 8-5pm and it is beginning to be a bit of a kill joy.
SSSOOO...I am holding on until mid-August when I can go on my next adventure!!! I moved into a house (not one that I bought, i decided it wasn't the best investment) but I have two great roommates!! My mom and Paul come in this weekend for fun times in Orlando....tune in next time for pictures of my mom's sexy legs!

A little tidbit on what God is teaching me about myself: "Whatever comes, cannot alter one thing. If I am a princess in rags and tatters, I can be a princess inside. IT would be easy to be a princess if I were dressed in cloths of gold, but it is a great deal more of a triumph to be one all the time when no one knows it." The Little Princess
I believe one of our most terrifying battles is being the person no one sees.

1 comment:

tranthegirl said...

You said:
"I believe one of our most terrifying battles is being the person no one sees."

Oh wow, totally this has been an issue that has come up w/ me that God's revealed. Perhaps in a different sense than you see.
I'll talk more to you about it later. Preview though: I keep finding myself FIGHTING to show people how important, how unique, how great I am-- it sets my value then not on who I am in Christ but what I can work up to (same battle of wanting to be desired and praised.) O well.