Wednesday, January 19, 2005

You have allowed me to walk this path....

Camping will do amazing things for a person, well definitely for me. Last weekend a new camping club was formed, 5 female campers (Blaze, Bushwacker, Tosser, ChaCha, and Breaker) set out to spend a nice evening with a fire and the ocean. Well the rain never quit and we found ourselves setting up camp on the beach and laughing hysterically over a campfire. Drenched. We spent the next 24 hours damp, and after little sleep and too much laughter we made our way home. My favorite part was cooking breakfast over a camping stove and having the neighbor come over and take our picture because he was so impressed that we survived in a fourman tent through this thunderstorm. It was great to feel gross and tired because it made me feel alive. I noticed that the coffee and sausage we ate that morning was the best I have had in awhile. Plush circumstance allow us to forget how great life is, how blessed we good coffee tastes.

My second epiphany has been in my personal walk with the Lord. I have many times wondered if I am lost, maybe I got turned around or mixed up. I wanted to be great, but instead I am an unseen nobody. Somehow I have walked confidently into a world of insecurity and doubt. It came to me from a devotional, that when the Israelites were leaving Egypt because God had delivered them, they were chased right up to the Red Sea. Did they get there because they wanted to be there? No. God delivered them, led them out of captivity, to be halted in front of the Red Sea. Wasn't this what He said, isn't this where He led us?

I feel often that I have been going where the Lord is leading me and now I am looking up to find that I am blocked by the Red Sea.

Do I turn around? Swim? God, didn't You lead me here? And that is what He is telling me.
Christy, I allowed you to walk this path.
So what do I do now Lord?
You trust me and wait for me to open the Red Sea. Wait for me to deliver you.

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