Thursday, September 08, 2005

Did someone MUTE the world?

It seems like the world has been muted since Katrina hit, somehow colors don't look as brilliant as before nor does excitement come as easy. My heart hurts for my state, for these people who have lost so much....i don't know how to feel but I feel. The world is going on around me, helping hands are so near, but still I am sad to watch the pain and devastation. I am torn between jumping into helping yet feeling the weight of the tragedy because it is in my backyard. Thank you for praying.

c girl

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am praying for you and your family and loved ones....may the Lord draw you all continually closer to Himself and each other. I know your upcoming time in Louisiana (both trips in Oct.) will be opportune for the Lord to flow in and through you... let your cup overflow, sister.
My heart and spirit are feeling muted from deep emotions. Over the past 9 weeks I too have felt like the world around me is "colorless"... I'm numb to life, it seems. I'm trying to hang on but my hands are not gripping very well. Why does everything seem so muddy, torn up and in disarray?