Monday, June 20, 2005

Should I Stay or Should I Go....

I am not sure when I became a grown up....I am sitting here crunching numbers, trying to figure out if house is a good investment, if a masters is a good investment, or if any of it is worth it considering the stress I am feeling. I found a house today, two houses in fact, and I feel torn between which is the better option. Like most of my decisions, I ask for advice from a multitude of sources only to find out that in the end it is me alone who has to live with my decision. Commitment paralyzes me.....why am I so afraid? I remember being fearless once, I remember having no cares, I remember the world being mine to conquer....

So fear not, I have decided to jump. Jump into the paralyzing fear of commitment. Jesus asked Philip once how to feed hundreds, simply to stretch Philip's faith....for Jesus already knew the answer. I am trusting that Jesus knows the answer to how my life will be provided for.

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